What's the name of someone very dear to you? Family/friend/pet/blorbo, etc.
(input: bind $guideName)
And their pronouns?
(dropdown: bind $pronoun, "She/Her", "He/Him", "They/Them")
[[Continue]]{(if: $pronoun is "She/Her")[(set: $pronoun to "her") (set: $Pronoun to "She greets")]
(if: $pronoun is "He/Him")[(set: $pronoun to "him") (set: $Pronoun to "He greets")]
(if: $pronoun is "They/Them")[(set: $pronoun to "them") (set: $Pronoun to "They greet")]
<img src="bedroom.jpg">}
You're sitting in the middle of your room, which is fine, except you distinctly remember getting into bed recently. Sitting in front of you is $guideName.
$Pronoun you with a smile. Somehow, you know it's not really $pronoun.
“Before you ask, you're dreaming.”
That explains things… sort of.
[[You frown.]]
<img src="bedroom.jpg">
“But it doesn't feel exactly like a dream, right? Too real. Too clear.”
You agree.
“A few minutes ago, someone somewhere was given the choice to make one change to improve humanity and they decided to change dreams. I'm here to guide you through this transition.”
[[“What are you?”]]
<img src="bedroom.jpg">
“A manifestation of the new knowledge your brain has. This knowledge is instinctual, but your past experiences may impede your potential, so the powers that be decided to just give everyone above a certain age a tutorial of sorts.”
Your first thought is to dismiss the information, but something deep inside believes it.
“Dreams are now a realm of wish-fulfillment. You have full control, so you’re guaranteed a couple hours of pleasure every night.”
“What do you want to do?”
[[Fantasy Adventure]]
[[Cozy Reading]]
[[Bike Ride]]
<img src="campfire.jpg">
You feel the heat of a campfire crackling in front of you. You're in a wooded area at a small campsite. To your right is a small, but sturdy tent. Leaning against it is a wooden staff inlaid with gems in an intricate pattern.
You hear someone scream. You grab your staff and run toward them. You find a faun under the paw of a gryphon. You scare the beast off with a fireball.
You wake up the next morning feeling surprisingly refreshed. You think back to your dream and you're sad that you can't be powerful and help people like that in real life. However, you remember seeing a flyer calling for volunteers for an upcoming event and decide to go check it out.
[[Dream again.->“What are you?”]]<img src="booknook.jpg">
The room transforms into an ideal reading spot. Nearby is a bookcase filled with interesting titles, none of which you've ever heard of. You choose one and sit. The book completely absorbs you and before you know it, you’re halfway through.
When you wake up, you immediately scour the internet for the title, but find nothing. You’re a little crestfallen, because you wanted to share it with friends. Then you realize you still can. You just have to write it.
[[Dream again.->“What are you?”]]<img src="bike.jpg">
You find yourself outside, standing next to a nice bike. You admire it for a moment before getting on. As you pedal, you realize you're alone. No pedestrians, no cars, and the roads are immaculate. You ride anywhere and everywhere, enjoying the wind on your skin and the freedom to go where you want.
When you wake up, you decide to resume a long-forgotten search for a new bike. You don't remember why you'd stopped, but you think now's the right time. It won't be perfect like your dream, but it may be just what you need at the moment.
[[Dream again.->“What are you?”]]Inspired by The Book of Martha by Octavia E. Butler
<a href="https://www.sevenstories.com/blogs/102-an-exclusive-short-story-from-octavia-butler-in-celebration-of-her-birthday" target="_blank">You can read it here.</a>
A thought exploration for myself.
Done for Neo-Twiny Jam 2024.
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<a href="https://www.pexels.com/@tatianasyrikova/" target="_blank">Tatiana Syrikova</a>
<a href="https://www.pexels.com/@vadimmarkin/" target="_blank">Вадим Маркин</a>
<a href="https://www.pexels.com/@beyzaakkan/" target="_blank">Beyza Akkan</a>
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